Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome Singaporeans!

After almost a month of waiting,
my very good (and generous) friend
and my critters finally arrived!

The new Koala Family!
It comes with 2 baby pouches for Kylie & Jason.

The Sylvanian Builders!
Can't wait to see the 3 little piglets very soon!

The Journalist and Editors of "Forest Telegraph"!
Baby Charlie is very happy to see his long lost family! Yey!

A Chocolate-Spotty Surprise!
My friend can't resist these cutie fellows,
so she bought them as a gift for me!

I also got the Dessert Counter and the "Hook a Duck" Stall.
They are cute add-ons to my new Courtyard Restaurant!


  1. Hi Kit! Did you know there is a new release of Reindeer family at Japan? The design is more "cartoonish". =) You might want to check it out. It is released with their 2010 SF School theme.

  2. Yeah, seen them in their SF site. Ur right, they are a lot cuter than the Flair Version. Hope Bankee will get them soon for us. :).
