Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Sylvanian Families for May 2010!

Just when I thought it would take long before Bankee will have new items on the shelves, it caught me by surprise to see new releases I have only seen in the internet before.

It’s been weeks since my last visit to my favorite toy shop because I have to stay at home and focus on studying for my exam. At long last, my 3-hour actuarial exam last Friday has come to an end (yey!). So to patch me up a bit, my fiancé and I went to Ayala Mall yesterday to grab some groceries and summer flip-flops.

I wasn’t expecting for any new releases for Sylvanian or Transformers in Kidz Station – Glorietta Branch ‘cause Bankee already released a lot of new items last month which Moodswings blogged here. I’ve also promised to myself not to buy any sylvanian unless I have available spaces for them in my room. Not to mention that I haven’t opened the new ones I’ve got during the SM 3-day sale.

Anyways… I guess, I have to break my promise and buy at least one of these new Sylvanian Families out today!

Caravan and Family Car Double Pack - Php 4,999.75 

Deluxe Light-Up TV - Php 499.75 

 Nursery School Bus - Php 1499.75

 Ballroom Set - Php 1,199.75

Collector's Edition Brown Rabbit Family - Php 1,599.75

Barker Labrador Family - Php 1,199.75

Delightful Duo Carry Cases - Php 699.75 
 Set A: Macavity Cat & Periwinkle Rabbit
Set B: Beagle Dog & Chocolate Rabbit

Happy Sylvanian Shopping!


  1. La caravana es una preciosidad llena de detalles, que se podrian aprovechar para las miniaturas.
    Me encantan!!!
    besitos ascension

  2. You're right it's so detailed that I want to own a real one. =D. I'm glad you loved it.

  3. Thanks for the text, Kit. The new items are lovely, though I'd love for BanKee to come with a theme to make collecting easier. Like with summer, and since they've brought in the caravan already, perhaps they can bring in more summer stuff like the camping set, the barbecue set, or something along these lines. Still, I always have a good time catching up with BanKee so that I can always say I have everything they have in-store here in the country. :-)

  4. Hi there Kittymama, WOW! You’re really into SF! How about your Kitty Bank? Sadly for me, I cannot afford another big box of sylvanian due to lack of space. I guess I have to wait until I move in with my fiancé who also got big boxes of transformers… another problem though. Well to keep me occupied (from despair, huhuhu) while waiting for that day, I got my hands on my polymer clay. Fortunately, got a hit on an exhibit this July, so I gotta hurry up before my clay melts with the scourging summer heat. Do we have another meet-up? =D.

  5. Give us an update on your polymer clay stuff and do tell us if you are planning to sell them. I haven't tried my hand on it because it's one more thing to be addicted to and right now, I've already got my hands full with Sylvanians and Hello Kitty. I don't think my Kitty Bank can stand more strain.

    P.S. The Kitty Bank is currently quite healthy, as I save up every bit I can. Of late, I've reduced my HK purchases but Sylvanians still rule my life!
