Got a long weekend but it seemed like I still need a lot of time for many stuff. I had to finish my medical paper, get hold of my polymer clay and felt crafts for the July event and a long To Do List for my wedding this September. Sometimes I find myself staring blank, trying to organize my thoughts and start working again.
BUT, despite all of this chaos, I still got some good news from the weekend. First, I passed the actuarial exam last May. Couldn't believe that I did, more so with high score! I spent like 3 hours answering the 75 items multiple choice exam and had a 2-day head ache after that. Then, while scouting for RockBand 2 game for my PS2 (since i recently bought a guitar, drums and 2 microphones for my niece & nephews), another surprise came along...
New Sylvanian Families up for grabs!
photos from

The Henry Lloyd Chocolate Dalmation Family
and Buttercup Friesian Cow Family for Php 1,199 each.

Sorry, I forgot the prices for these cuties,
but don't worry I'll update this blog later.

I'm not sure if I have seen all the new arrivals 'cause I'm so pre-occupied with much excitement for the Sylvanian Family Party this June 27, 2010. Got 5 copies of the leaflet... just making sure in case I misplace them. =D.
Hope this time, it will be a lot exciting than the previous party last November 2009 to entice more kids and collectors to come. I had a lot of fun though, maybe because I'm a huge Sylvanian Fan so I don't care much on the program as long as I have a lot of freebies and photo-op with my favorite Sylvanian Mother... Teri Chocolate!
Wait there's more... To All Anime, DC, Marvel Fans and Toy Collectors, watch out for the 9th Philippine Toy Conference (ToyCon) this Saturday, June 19-20 at the SM Megamall Megatrade Hall. For more details check out their website at See you there!

photo from
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